Math Moves University

January 30, 2008

We have discovered another great enrichment site for students! is a very interactive website that allows students to “explore stuff they’re into, have fun, and pick up some cool math skills along the way!”  Students select a character that represents them, and then move their characters through different settings, learn fun facts about the world around them, and play math games.  Students can enter Math Moves University to get help with specific math topics!

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Upcoming Events: STANYS Workshop

January 29, 2008

The Central Western Section of the Science Teachers Association of New York State is hosting their Annual Workshop and Dinner on February 7th at Nazareth College.  Refreshments and registration begin at 3:30pm, followed by two sessions and dinner.  Each session offers 10 workshops to choose from ranging in interest from elementary through the high school sciences including opportunities to participate in laboratory experiences.

(image borrowed from

The cost of the dinner and both workshops is $20.00 ($15.00 for current STANYS members and pre-service students).  Registration is due February 2, 2008.  Click here for registration information and a list of workshop descriptions.

Are you a STANYS member, or have you attended past workshops?  Let us know what you thought!

In the News…

January 28, 2008

According to Philanthropy New Digest, Bill Clinton announced that the Clinton Global Initiative will work with college campuses in an effort to a “convene students, academics, and social, political, and cultural leaders to discuss global problems and ways to bring about action to solve them.”  These meetings will focus on getting today’s young adults involved in major national and world-wide controversies.  The Clinton Global Initiative also encourages universities to connect and focus on becoming active on topics together.  

(image borrowed from

“Today’s college students have an unprecedented capacity to make a difference, both in their communities and half a world away,” said Clinton.   What can we as educators, no matter what grade level or subject we teach, do to encourage our students to make a difference?  Rather than just discussing current events, how can we convince our students to make strides, big or small, towards making the world around them a better place, to stand up for something that is important to them?

Ewwww, Gross!!!

January 24, 2008

Another Rochester area museum has an exhibit grand-opening this week! The Strong National Museum of Play is now hosting Grossology – The (Impolite) Science of the Human Body, based on the Grossology books by Sylvia Branzei. According to the Strong Museum, “Grossology helps guests of all ages better understand how the human body works, and what we can do to help it function better and in a more healthful manner.”  Exhibit highlights include Nigel Nose if All, Skin Clumbing Wall, Burp Man, Vomit Center, and Y U Stink.

(image borrowed from

Have you read the Grossology books, or have you visited the Strong Museum to experience them in person?  Let us know!

Upcoming Events: Winter Mathematics Workshops

January 23, 2008

Join the AMTRA – the Association of Mathematics Teachers of the Rochcester Area – for one of their winter workshops!   These workshops are held at local public schools, and are FREE for members!  Pizza and soda will also be provided!

High School Workshop – Wednesday, January 30, 2008 – 4-7pm – Pittsford Mendon High School
Middle School Workshop – Monday, February 4th, 2008 – 4-7pm – East Irondequoit High School

Also, keep your calendars open for AMTRA’s Annual Spring Conference on Saturday, March 29th, 2008 at Pittsford Mendon High School.

amtra logo

 Visit the AMTRA website or contact Carrie Gunther at for more information!

 Have any AMTRA workshop stories or experiences to share?  Tell us!

Closing the STEM Gender Gap

January 22, 2008

According to the article NEEDED: Teachers to Encourage Girls in Math, Science, and Technology, data from the 2004 SAT test indicated that females only constitute 16% of those who plan on pursuing engineering and 14% who wish to study computer science. This huge gender gap can be traced all the way down to the elementary level, and it is up to educators to ensure that girls are given the same opportunities as boys in STEM subjects.


  Click here to view tips for closing the gender gap!

That Ain’t Gonna Hold Us Back, Girls!

January 18, 2008

We wanted to join in congratulating Mr. Colosi’s first grade class in winning a $15,000 technology classroom makeover from Interwrite by submitting this amazing video about getting girls involved in technology!

 Click below to view the award winning video!  All video submissions can be viewed on the Interwrite website!

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Are You an Edhead?

January 17, 2008

Interested in helping the police recreate a crash scene?  Virtually performing surgeries, like hip and knee replacements?  Learning about the weather and simple machines?  Visit where you can investigate and participate in all of these science activities for FREE!

(virtual knee replacement image borrowed from

Explore, and share your thoughts with us!  Know of any other great enrichment sites for kids?  Comment below to let us know!

In the Community…

January 16, 2008

On January 18th visit the Rochester Museum & Science Center for the grand opening of two new Expedition Earth galleries: An Ever Changing Planet, and You and Your Earth.  These expansions feature exhibits and hands-on activities that allow visitors to examine what Rochester was like millions of years ago and how human evolution has affected the area.  This is a great opportunity for students (and adults!) to learn about how their actions can impact the environment. 

(image borrowed from

Click here to read a complete article about the exhibit from Rochester City Newspaper, or visit for teacher resources and museum information!

The RMSC has been an integral part of the Rochester community for almost a decade.  Do you have any RMSC memories to share, whether as a teacher or parent (or maybe from your own childhood)?

Are You a Digital Native or Digital Immigrant?

January 3, 2008

As students are continually introduced to technology at an earlier and earlier age, a new digital divide is forming between those who are surrounded by and using computers their entire lives (“digital natives”) and those who must teach the technology to themselves later in life (“digital immigrants”).


In an article entitled Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants, Marc Prensky utilizes the native/immigrant analogy to describe the current technology gap between today’s students and their teachers. Where many of our students have grown up with computers in their homes and classrooms (and are therefore often more comfortable utilizing available technology than traditional pen and paper), teachers must often fight to keep up with the new ways that students are thinking and processing information. Where “digital immigrants” look to books before turning to the Internet, print out documents to read and edit rather than doing it right on the computer, and prefer learning step-by-step, “digital natives” look right to the Internet for instantaneous information and prefer multi-tasking and learning through games at their own (faster) pace. What happens when an “immigrant” teacher has a classroom full of “natives”?

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